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Academic Seminar | Prof Karin van Marle | Towards a Jurisprudence of Doubt
Prof Karin van Marle Reading and the Research problem
Justice in a Multispecies World: Lecture by Maneesha Deckha
CLP Lecture | What Might (Finally) Kill the Jus ad Bellum
Session: I Moral, philosophical and cultural foundations of legal governance of history
The Mobilization of European Law (MobEL): Origins, Developments, and Perspectives
Demystifying Medicine 2014 - HIV: Changing Paradigms and the Washington-Baltimore Scene
Kabir Azabı Görmeyecek 5 Kişi - [Hastalar Risalesi 15] - Şehitlik @Mehmedyildiz
Jan Komárek (University of Copenhagen)